
Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Hand Stacking, Free Stacking, mysterious words used by dog handlers.

Well, Sue and I lived in the country for 12 years and for the most part heated our house with wood. You might think, how does this relate to dog handling. Well for the longest time i thought hand stacking was this. Happily I thought "Free Stacking" was someone else doing this for me. Needless to say this was not what was meant at all. Hand Stacking turns out to be manually placing your dog's feet in a position to best show him or her off. Below we can see an excellent example of Sue guiding Luna into a perfect stance.  
  Amazingly Sue manages this without effort. There must be a certain affinity between the two as I have a great deal more difficulty at getting Luna to cooperate.

It seems that when I try it the stacking appears to be reversed. Luna is in charge getting me to sit. Or she tries to sit on me.
Free stacking, even more fun at the expense of the Alpha male. For some reason with a great deal of work the dog aka Luna, reads my mind and then does what i am thinking.

As you can see either the way I am thinking or Luna's mind reading is not quite correct. I will leave you to decide which of the above is the case. Just to put it all into perspective Luna was able to win multiple events at her first show right up until I stopped following her instructions.

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