
Thursday, March 9, 2017

Writing And Why

Not a lot of change with our Luna. Still on her restricted exercise and the sore on her leg hasn't changed. I keep thinking its looking better but i think I'm deceiving myself. 
Last week I took the A+ Eritting course at thé University of Ottawa. The professor is a brilliant woman, Melanie Sexton. 
To make up for the lack of Luna activity I will upload my storie from the class. Luna gets an honourable mention. The short story was titled "Where I Sit".

The couch: the last stop of the day before we go to bed. The signal that everything is finished and we can put up our feet. IPad, laptop, headphones and tea cup are close at hand. Now, cherished time for ourselves.  Up go the feet, thankfully the old recliner is still working. All our worries temporarily slip away. 
  This old somewhat faded and lumpy couch that has seen the bottom everyone in the family is now mine alone. Or I thought it would be mine. Until, yes the dog has decided that this couch should now be hers. One hundred and thirty pounds of Wolfhound that slowly wiggles its way onto my couch. Is it me she wants to be close to or is it just the couch? Something tells me, to her, the soft lumps we are sitting on are more appealing than my undivided attention. 
   This couch has seen it all. Spills, stains, a lifetime of living and its threadbare upholstery continues to provide good service. This is where I sit.

And some Luna and Pixie pictures. One antler and two sets of teeth.

Luna really wants her antler back.

Friday, March 3, 2017

Cone of Shame

Have you ever seen the pet protective collar for a wolfhound? No! Well if you closed off the small end and added a stick in the middle you would be able to use it as an umbrella. 
   Now that Luna has a sore on her leg we have to put it on her when she is alone in her enclosure. Actually, the collar is so big that Luna doesn't fit through the door of her pen with it on. At first she resisted us so strenuously when putting it on that we thought it would do her more harm than good. Now it still takes both of us to get it on her, but she has settled down enough so that it doesn't feel like a rodeo event.
   Luna has quickly learned a new word "cone". When hearing it she either heads for the couch or tries to make herself as small as possible

in her pen. This is ridiculous of course as there is no such thing as a small wolfhound.