
Sunday, February 26, 2017

Disaster plus four

It has been four weeks now since Luna's accident. With the exception of a limp that she just started showing she is back to her old self. The girl has to stay on her leash all the time or she would probably break both legs. We get her a new set of toys weekly so that she is distracted and has a bit of fun. The new snake we got her has actually managed to survive an entire day. Maybe this is a sign that the wallet drain will finally stop. Somehow though I doubt it. 
  This weekend we celebrated a birthday, Sue gained another year. Both Luna and Sue were completely surprised when Tiffany joined the pack for the weekend. A surprise visit and a surprise diner. Fun was had by all.
   Luna has now developed a sore on her leg that is resisting all our efforts to heal it. After great stress and what felt like a MMA fight we got the cone of shame on Luna so she couldn't get at her leg any longer. This seems to be helping but it is a slow process.

Monday, February 6, 2017

The Excercise Yard

After the first week of convalescence Luna is starting to get cabin fever. Being restricted to the back yard on a leash has her looking at me with a lopsided grin. Whenever I prepare her to go out in the yard I can actually hear her thinking “REALLY”. We have beaten down a circular path around the yard that restricts her over-exuberant activity level to a slow walk. Safety does not enter the mind of the typical wolfhound to the chagrin of Sue and I. She is completely oblivious to her recent injury. It looks like a part in the movie "Shawshank Redemption” myself or Sue as one of the bulls (guard) and Luna at the end of her tether pacing the yard.
   On a brighter note the girl had her stitches out today. (you may notice my jump into the future). All is well, no sign of infection and her temperature was normal. Of course she was the centre of attention again, even though there was a two legged dog at the vet. One gentleman came up and asked who was breading Dire Hounds in the area. Fans of “Game of Thrones” may recognize this reference to the giant hounds of that series.

 Tethered Luna in her exercise yard. Based on the online picture of a DireHound (which looks more like a wolf then a Wolf Hound) there is no chance that Luna can look like that.
I have never seen her with that shade of red nn her eyes.