
Saturday, December 17, 2016

Abominable Irish Snow Dog

   I always thought that Ireland was the land of Leprechauns and green fields. The green isle always made me think of endless summer or at the very least no winter. Hence, Irish Wolfhounds come from Ireland and therefore should not have a great affinity for Winter.
   When we first decided to get a Wolfhound we looked up everything about them. We read up on the history of the breed and discovered that the breed almost died out in the eighteen hundreds. In order to revive them they were supposedly cross bread with BorzoiGreat DaneScottish Deerhound and English Mastiff. This breeding program resulted in the dog we currently love and cherish.
   Since we got some real snow this last week I am starting to question the breeding. It appears that several dog breeds were missing from the pool of dogs that was used. I our case it seems that Husky, Malamute, Samoyed and Chinook may have been in the mix. Once Luna is out in the snow there is no getting her back. The deeper the better. She regularly attempts to simulate a snow plow with her head. You can tell where she has been by following the furrow in the snow. Getting her back into the house in the morning is rarely accomplished without the best of treats.
  This week we are getting Luna ready for the Elora Gorge Kennel Club show in Waterloo on Boxing day. She is looking really great. And just in time her stacking is starting to set in. All of us are excited about how she will do.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Wolfhound Slam

Wolfhound Slam and Other Unique Behaviour

Well before we start i'll give you a brief update on Pixie, at last writing she looked like this. 
In the week since the photo was taken she is bask to walking and was seen running down the hallway on at least two occasions. No help of course from our vet. It turns out the vet gave us terrible medication that ended up making Pixie worse. 
  But now on to the cool stuff "The Wolfhound Slam". Have you ever noticed your wolfhound playing with a soft toy and then out of the blue they pop up and slam down with their front paws. The force involved is significant. I'm talking bone crushing, house shaking pounces. When Luna does it you think there is a small earth quake going on. 
   On to other weird behaviour. All of a sudden we are completely out of squeaky toys. For some unknown reason Luna has decided that all squeakers need to be surgically removed. This in itself is not bad but the incision exposes the soft cotton interior. This cottony white stuff is an affront to any self respecting wolfhound and must be utterly destroyed. The end result is no more stuffed toys and a daily vacuuming of the family room. 
 Well thats it for another week. Enjoy your pets.